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''-- H. Korsching''
I was born on 8th March 1879 in Frankfurt a. M.
After my schooling, I studied Chemistry in Marburg and Munich, then promoviert in July 1901 with an organic Doctor thesis.
After two years as an assistant, I went -- principally to learn English -- to London in the laboratory of Sir William Ramsay. He gave me a project in an area quite new to me, in radioactivity. By chance, I found a radioactive substance which I named Radiothorium. Ramsay advised me to continue with radioactivity. So, I went in winter 1905 to Montreal, Canada, to Professor E Rutherford.
In summer 1906, I came to Berlin, habilitierte myself there and received the title of Professor in 1910. On the foundation of the Kaiser Wilh. Gesellschaft, I became a member of the KWI for Chemistry. Except for the war years 1914-1918 when I was on active service, I remained continuously in the Kaiser Wilh. Institut, since 1928 as Director.
In 1933 I was for a few months a visiting Professor in Cornell University USA.
At the beginning of 1944, my Institute in Dahlem was totally destroyed by bombs. I transferred activities to Tailfingen in Wurthemberg. From there, I was taken away by American soldiers on 25th April 1945.
''-- Otto Hahn''