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Schrodinger was not a "non-Aryan". He was not going to be dismissed from his Professorship in Berlin. However, he was well aware by now that several of his colleagues were looking for post overseas. In due course, the scientists such as Bethe, Bloch, Born, Debye, Delbruck, Einstein, Franck, Frisch, Haber, Heitler, Hess, Infeld, London, Mark, Meitner, Peierls, Polanyi, Simon, Stern, Szilard, Teller, Weisskopf, Weyl and Wigner all became refugees.
Lindemann realised that someone of Schrodinger's standing would need the prestige of a Fellowhsip at one of the Oxford colleges. Lindemann's own college, Christ Church, had already provided a Visiting Fellowship for Einstein, which had had its complications. So, he approached Professor George Gordon, the President of Magdalen College, Oxford.
=== Oxford ===