Staatsblad No 123/1935: Difference between revisions

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Firstly: With the amendment of the administrative division of the province of West Java, established by Article 3 of the decree of January 8, 1934, no. 3 (State Gazette no. 17) to determine that:
1. In the Regency of Batavia, the name of the subdistrict is changed:
a. Kampong Melajoe (district of Tangerang) to: Teloeknaga;
b. Djati (district of Tjoeroeg) to: Tjikoepa;
c. Kemiri (district of Mawoek) to: Radjeg.
2. In the Regency of Buitenzorg, the following are abolished:
a. the subdistrict of Semplak (district of Buitenzorg) and its area divided among the subdistricts of Buitenzorg, Tjiomas, and Kedoenghalang of the same district in the manner indicated by the Governor in the revised disaster plan;
b. the subdistrict of Lemahabang (district of Tjibaroesa) and its area incorporated into the subdistrict of Tjibaroesa of the same district;
c. the district of Paroeng and its two subdistricts, with the subdistrict of Paroeng incorporated into the district of Buitenzorg and the subdistrict of Depok incorporated into the district of Tjibinong.
3. In the Regency of Soekaboemi, the following are abolished:
a. the subdistrict of Nagrak (district of Tjibadak) and its area incorporated into the subdistrict of Tjibadak of the same district;
b. the subdistrict of Benda (district of Tjitjoeroeg) and its area incorporated into the subdistrict of Tjitjoeroeg of the same district
4. In the Regency of Tjiandjoer:
a. The subdistrict of Sabandar (district of Tjiandjoer) is abolished and its area is incorporated into the subdistrict of Tjirandjang (district of Tjirandjang);
b. The subdistrict of Tjilakoe (district of Tjibeber) is abolished and its area is incorporated into the subdistrict of Tjiandjoer (district of Tjiandjoer);
c. The district of Tjibeber is abolished and its remaining two subdistricts are incorporated into the district of Tjiandjoer;
d. The name of the subdistrict of Leles (district of Sindangbarang) is changed to Sindangbarang.
5. In the Regency of Tasikmalaja, the following are abolished:
a. The subdistrict of Parakanhondje (district of Karangnoenggal) and its area is incorporated into the subdistrict of Bantarkalong of the same district;
b. The subdistrict of Tjimerak (district of Tjidjoelang) and its area is incorporated into the subdistrict of Tjidjoelang of the same district;
c. The subdistrict of Tjineam (district of Manondjaja) and its area is incorporated into the subdistrict of Manondjaja of the same district.
6. In the Regency of Indramajoe, the subdistrict of Balongan (district of Indramajoe) is abolished and its area is incorporated into the subdistrict of Kota-Indramajoe of the same district.
Secondly: Following Article 2 of the decree of January 8, 1934, no. 3 (State Gazette no. 17), it is determined that:
A. The subdistricts:
Pamerajan, district of the same name, Regency of Serang,
Tjilegon, district of the same name, Regency of Serang,
Rangkasbitoeng, district of the same name, Regency of the same name,
Pandeglang, district of the same name, Regency of the same name,
Menes, district of the same name, Regency of Pandeglang,
Laboehan, district of Tjaringin, Regency of Pandeglang,
Tjiawi, district of the same name, Regency of Buitenzorg,
Tjibinong, district of the same name, Regency of Buitenzorg.