Programming language

Programming languages are just like human ones : the more people speak a language, the better. This means more libraries and tools developed, more experience shared, more job offerings, more learning materials published, and so on.
— Maxim Shafirov (May 17, 2017) "Kotlin on Android. Now official" JetBrain Blog


The mighty for loop, the enigmatic if statement, and the cheeky little counter increment have been with us since the first automatic languages bubbled to the surface of the primordial programming bog at Manchester, more than half a century ago.
— Verity Stob (January 11, 2006) "Catch as catch can : A light-hearted look at exception handling" The Register
Exception handling is a comparative newcomer to the programmer's toolset. It wasn't until IBM's PL/I came along, in the mid 1970s that exception handling appeared in a language. PL/I's exceptions were based on a proposal by John B. Goodenough. After PL/I, the next mainstream-ish language to support exceptions was Ada. But neither PL/I nor Ada really "took on". It wasn't until C++ compilers began to support exception handling constructs, in the early 1990s, that the idea was really adopted by the mainstream.
— Verity Stob (January 11, 2006) "Catch as catch can : A light-hearted look at exception handling" The Register