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In 1931 Schrodinger was delighted to be elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy. He was well aware of the many distinguished mathematicians and theoretical physisicsts who had come from Ireland including George Boole, William Hamilton, Joseph Larmor, George Stokes and Lord Kelvin. Schrodinger equation built on the work of Hamilton. He often found that the distinguished academies he was elected to would be useful to him in his subsequent career.
=== TheWorld NazisWar II ===
After the severe financial problems following the First World War, the situation had gradually improved there through the 1920s but this all changed in October 1929 when the Wall Street stock market crashed. There were very serious economic ramifications around the world and this included Germany. Unemployment rose fast and there were riots on the streets of Berlin. The political situation was becoming complicated with Soviet Russia continuing to expand its influence. Right-wing movements becoming more popular throughout Europe. Hitler and his party of National Socialists took full advantage of this situation and he eventually became Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933. Meanwhile, in the run up to this momentous event, Schrodinger had beeen working to communicate his breakthrough in quantum mechanics to the world and had not had any time to be concerned with the politics.
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